CAA Stellar - CAA Stellar is a world-leading sports agency.
CAA Stellar - CAA Stellar is a world-leading sports agency.


Stellar Sports Website Privacy Notice

CAA Stellar Sports Limited and Stellar Football Limited (“Stellar Sports” and “Stellar Football” or “we“, “us”, or “our“) respect the privacy and the security of your personal information. This privacy notice (the “Notice”) describes the types of information we may collect from you, including when you visit our website (the “Website“), or that you may otherwise provide to us and our practices for collecting, using, protecting, and disclosing that information.

This policy applies to personal information we collect when you visit our Website, or when you get in contact with us by email, text, phone, mail or via social media channels (or by any other method) and to personal information that we process relating to our supplier contacts.

Stellar Sports and Stellar Football will each be a controller of personal data that they collect from or about individuals within the scope of this Notice.

Please read this Notice to ensure that you understand how we will process your personal data and to understand your rights under data protection laws.

Content Overview

This Notice provides the following information:

  1. What personal data do we process about you and where do we get it?
  2. Why do we process your personal data and on what basis?
  3. Who do we share your personal data with?
  4. International transfers of personal data
  5. How long do we keep your personal data?
  6. What if you provide us with someone else’s data?
  7. Your data protection rights
  8. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?
  9. Third party links, downloads and media files, social media policy and usage>
  10. Contact Us
  11. Changes to this Notice
  1. What personal data do we process about you and where do we get it?
  2. When you use our Website and/or otherwise contact Stellar Sports or Stellar Football

    We will process your personal data when you make an enquiry or contact us by email, text, over the phone, by post or through social media channels, such as Instagram. As a result of this, we will collect personal data about you, such as your contact details (e.g., your name, email address, residential address, phone number and/or social media handle) and any additional personal data you may provide us with in the course of your contact with us.

    We will also automatically collect the following information that results from your use of the Website, each time you visit it: browser type and version, operating system, your domain name, if applicable, the website from which you are visiting us (referrer URL), webpage(s) you are visiting on our Website, the date and time of accessing our Website, your approximate geolocation, device information (such as language used) and your internet protocol (IP) address.

    When you do business with Stellar Sports

    We may collect and process personal data concerning the employees or other representatives of our suppliers and business partners such as their name, contact details (e.g., email address, telephone number and business address), job title and employer-related information and other business-related information that you or your employer make available to us.

  3. Why do we process your personal data and on what basis?
  4. We will only process your personal data where we have a valid lawful basis under data protection laws do to so, such as based on our legitimate business interests as outlined below, on the basis of your consent, because we need it in order to fulfil or enter into a contract with you and/or to comply with a legal obligation.

    Where applicable, we will let you know at the time of the data collection, if the provision of the personal data is a statutory or contractual requirement and whether you are obliged to provide the personal data and the possible consequences of failure to provide such data.

    Below we set out the purposes for which we may use your personal data, as applicable:

    Communications with you: We will process your personal data for our legitimate interests in communicating with you, including responding to your queries, whether via email, phone, post, social media or otherwise. 

    Supplier data: We will process your personal data for our legitimate interests in procuring or purchasing products and/or services from you, including placing orders, making payments, arranging for supply and/or deliveries and generally for the purposes of running our business. Where you are a sole trader or partnership, we may need to process your personal data in order to enter into or to perform a contract with you.

    Improvement of our Website, products and services: We will analyse your visits to our Website, including tracking and reporting website traffic data via the use of cookies and similar technologies if you consent to our setting them on the device you use to access our Website. We will do this in order to improve our Website and for our internal business processes. For more information on our use of cookies, please see section 8 below.

    Establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims: We may need to process your personal data in connection with legal claims that we pursue or which are taken against us (or prospective proceedings).

    Compliance with applicable laws: Where required by law and/or in response to a request from a court or regulatory body, we may process your personal data in order to comply with the relevant obligations applicable to us.

  5. Who do we share your personal data with?
  6. We may share your personal data with certain third parties as set out below.

    Service providers we have engaged

    Certain third party service providers will process your personal data under appropriate instructions on our behalf, as necessary to support us with the processing described above, such as:

    • IT providers such as companies who provide software, computing services and / or hardware, including IT support (e.g., data management, IT service management and storage services, web-hosting, video and / or voice conferencing, email services, digital communication platforms, data analytics providers, etc.); and
    • companies that provide financial administration (e.g., services and product payment services management, etc.).

    Other Recipients

    We may also share personal data with our group companies, vendors and business partners whereby these companies are themselves responsible for determining how and why they process your personal data. We may also share some of your personal data with public or regulatory authorities.  Examples include:

    • subsidiaries, affiliates and our ultimate parent company, Creative Artists Agency, LLC. For example, Creative Artists Agency LLC will collect data to understand how site visitors use the Website and to trouble-shoot any difficulties with the site;
    • financial institutions;
    • professional advisors such as lawyers, accountants and auditors;
    • in relation to prospective or actual strategic transactions involving Stellar Sports and/or Stellar Football (such as mergers and acquisitions), third parties involved in such transactions; or
    • other public authorities such as law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, courts, tribunals, opposing or other related parties to the proceedings and their professional advisors.
  7. International transfers of personal data
  8. Stellar Sports and Stellar Football are part of the Creative Artists Agency (CAA) global group of companies, headquarted in the US. As a result, we may share your personal data with other companies in our group as well as with external third parties in connection with the running of our business, including to enable us to comply with our legal obligations.

    Some of these group companies, such as our ultimate parent company, Creative Artists Agency LLC, located in the US, are located outside the UK and European Economic Area (EEA), in third countries which may not provide the same level of data protection as required by the UK GDPR or within the EEA. Stellar Sports and Stellar Football are both parties to the CAA Intra-Group Data Sharing Agreements which contain EU Standard Contractual Clauses, alongside UK and Swiss Addendums to protect personal data when it is transferred from CAA group companies based in the UK, EU and Switzerland to CAA group companies located outside of the UK/EEA.

    Transfers of personal data by Stellar Sports or Stellar Football to third parties located in other third countries outside the UK and EEA will take place using a lawful data transfer mechanism, such as the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”)’s International Data Transfer Agreement or the ICO’s UK Addendum and the EU Standard Contractual Clauses, or by adherence to approved Codes of Conduct.

    Alternatively, international data transfers may be made on the basis of permissible statutory derogations, or any other relevant data transfer clauses issued by the UK Secretary of State or the UK Information Commissioner (and approved by the UK Parliament). 

    Please contact us using the contact details in section 10, if you want to receive further information or, where available, a copy of the relevant data transfer mechanism, including the CAA Intra-Group Data Sharing Agreements. 

  9. How long do we keep your personal data?
  10. Your personal data will be retained by us for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes we have outlined in this Notice.

    We may also retain your personal data after the termination of our relationship, if it is necessary to comply with applicable laws or surviving contractual provisions, or if it is relevant to establishing, exercising or defending a legal claim.

    If you would like to know more about the retention periods applicable to your personal data, you can contact us using details provided in section 10 below.

  11. What if you provide us with someone else’s personal data?
  12. In certain circumstances, you might provide us with another person’s personal data. In these cases, we require you to please inform that person about this in advance, including what data you intend to provide to us and for what purposes. Please provide them with a link to, or a copy of, this privacy notice and our contact details and let them know that they should contact us if they have any additional questions about how we will use their personal data.

  13. Your data protection rights
  14. Under the UK GDPR, you may be able to exercise the following rights against Stellar Sports and/or Stellar Football (as applicable) regarding your personal data:


    You have the right to obtain confirmation from us of whether we are processing your personal data, transparency information related to that processing, as well as the right to obtain a copy of your personal data undergoing the processing. 


    You have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data and to have incomplete data completed. 


    Where we process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to this processing for reasons relating to your particular situation. If this is the case, we will stop this processing of your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling reasons why we need to process it, which override your rights and freedoms or where we need to process it for the purposes of legal claims. Where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you have the absolute right to object to our processing of your personal data for this at any time. 


    You may have the right to receive your personal data that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to right to transmit it to other data controllers. This right only exists if our processing of the data is based on your consent or a contract and the processing is carried out by automated means.


    You may request that we restrict the processing of your personal data in certain cases, including, for example, where you object to us processing your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interests or where you want to establish the accuracy or the reason we are processing your personal data. Where you successfully exercise your right to restrict processing, this means that we must suspend the processing, except for storage, with your consent or for legal claims.


    You may request that we erase your personal data if (i) it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which we have collected it, (ii) you have withdrawn your consent and no other legal ground for the processing exists, (iii) you object to our processing and no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing exist, (iv) the processing is unlawful, or erasure is required to comply with a legal obligation.

    Right to lodge a complaint

    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. This is the Information Commissioner’s Office in the UK, but we would ask that you get in touch with us in the first instance so that we can try to resolve your issue.

    Right to refuse or withdraw consent

    If we ask for your consent to process your personal data, you are free to refuse and you can withdraw your consent at any time without any adverse negative consequences.  The lawfulness of any processing of your personal data that occurred prior to the withdrawal of your consent will not be affected.

    Please be aware that not all of these rights are absolute and that there may be situations in which you cannot exercise them or where they are not relevant in the circumstances.

  15. Do we use cookies and other tracking technologies?
  16. The Website uses cookies and other tracking technologies. Where used, such technologies may record or collect a range of data relating to engagement, geographic location, IP addresses, website traffic, demographics and already stored data.

    For further information about our use of cookies and similar technologies, please read our Cookie Policy.

  17. Third party links, downloads and media files, social media policy and usage
  18. Our Website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, we do not have any control over third party websites and they will be governed by their own privacy notices, not this Notice. Our provision of such links does not constitute our endorsement of these websites, their content, their owners, or their practices. We encourage you to review the privacy notices or policies of those other websites so you can understand how they will collect, use and share your information.

    Any downloadable documents, files or media made available on this Website are provided to you at your own risk.

      While all precautions have been undertaken to ensure only genuine downloads are available, we advise you to verify their authenticity using third party anti-virus software or similar applications. 
  19. Contact Us
  20. If you have any questions about this Notice or if you want to exercise your rights, please contact us using the contact details set out below:

    [email protected]


    Data Privacy Officer

    Creative Artists Agency LLC

    2000 Avenue of the Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067

    Tel:+44 (0) 8000 489 009

  21. Changes to this Notice
  22. We may update this Notice from time to time in response to changing legal, regulatory or operational requirements. We will notify you of any changes, including when they will take effect, by updating the “Effective date” below or as otherwise required by applicable law.

    Effective date: April 26th 2024

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